South Dakota is another one of those states that generally flies under the radar simply because it is sparsely populated and there is never all that much going on there. With that being said, however, South Dakota is one of the more gambling-friendly states that exists in the US. Unfortunately, recent years have seen other states, many of which are located in close proximity, surpass South Dakota as far as legal gambling is concerned.
As for gambling history is concerned, South Dakota was a leader in that they were the first state to allow casino gambling outside of Nevada and New Jersey. This not only brought some attention to the state, it allowed for a larger tourism industry seeing as that much did not really exist outside of the state’s parks. Now, you will see millions of people venture to South Dakota to take in the scenery as well as the plethora of gambling options, both online and offline.
What Are The Best South Dakota Real Money Gambling Sites?
Legal Status of Online Casinos & Gambling — South Dakota

As it stands currently, there are not laws in the works that will make state-sanctioned online casinos a reality in South Dakota. In all fairness, South Dakota is a state driven more by industry than technology. Understanding this, an online network of casinos is something that most constituents and lawmakers alike would determine to be unnecessary and, quite simply, not a priority. With that being said, there are no shortage of online gambling options in the state. Because of the lack of state laws relating to online casinos, people are confused about how old you have to be to play at South Dakota online casinos. You only have to be 18 to play bingo or buy a lottery ticket in the state, but brick and mortar casinos require that you be 21, so it is safe to say that you should wait until you are 21 if you want to play at South Dakota online casinos. In fact, most online casinos will mandate that you be at least 21 years of age before playing. Some will even force you to prove your age before you can begin playing.
Looking ahead to the future, the establishment of an intrastate online casino network does not seem imminent. This is confusing to many seeing as South Dakota is so pro-gambling. Making it even more confusing is the fact that South Dakota is yet one more US state in dire need of additional revenue. With the potential for millions of dollars in tax revenue per year, it is hard to believe that South Dakota is moving so slowly on legalizing online casinos. This is especially true when you consider that South Dakota does not have a wealth of options to create additional tax revenue. The state is not a major tourist destination and it really seems as though the budget deficit currently playing out is one that will, in all likelihood, continue to run its course going forward.
Legal Status of Brick and Mortar Casinos — South Dakota
A few decades ago, there were only a few places in the country where you could play live casino games. Nevada and New Jersey, for the longest time, were the only two places in the US where you could get the full casino experience without having to worry about law enforcement breathing down your neck. South Dakota saw an opportunity and quickly moved to allow for the establishment of brick and mortar casinos. Before long, there were more than a dozen casinos across the state bringing in hundreds of thousands of tourists every year. To this day, the brick and mortar industry in South Dakota is up there with the best in the country.
Though South Dakota does not seem keen on adding any online venues to the state, they are adding brick and mortar casinos seemingly annually. With states like North Dakota and other states in the region moving to allow more gambling, its only right that South Dakota increases its offering. This isn’t the 1990s anymore, so South Dakota is not the gambling destination it used to be, but it is still a thriving brick and mortar casino state. Indicated by the growing number of brick and mortar casinos, it seems as though South Dakota is going to continue pushing forward, establishing more and more sites. Because the state is so large, there needs to be a plethora of brick and mortar casinos for citizens from all parts of the state to have access to top-quality gambling. Right now, there are plenty of residents who still live hours from the nearest casino.
As time moves forward, it seems almost unbelievable to think that South Dakota will not move to establish an online casino network. As was mentioned above, there are plenty of brick and mortar casinos in the state, but they are no longer the only ones in the area. As neighboring states establish more and more sites, the allure of traveling to South Dakota will diminish. As such, online casinos seems to be the next best option for preserving the state’s gambling industry.
South Dakota Online Casinos & Gambling FAQ
- Abbreviation: SD
- State Motto: Under God, the people rule.
- Capital City: Pierre
- Population Estimate: 865K (46th)
- Website:
Do brick and mortar casinos have their own online sites too?
No. As the law is written currently, brick and mortar casinos are not allowed to offer games online. While it is not illegal for citizens to play at online casinos, it is illegal to have an online casino based within the state’s borders. For this reason, you will see most state residents content with playing at the sites that offer games to people who live there.
Will I end up in jail if I play at South Dakota online casinos?
Up to this point, there has never been one person who has landed themselves in any sort of legal trouble for having gambled online. Though there are no laws that say it is legal for citizens to gamble online, there are also no laws that make it illegal.
How long does it take to deposit/cash out?
This is something that depends on the online casino at which you choose to play, but most sites make these processes as quick and easy as possible. Depositing normally takes only a few minutes, but cashing out can take anywhere from a few hours up to a week or more depending on the online casino at which you are playing.
Will legalized online casinos ever exist in South Dakota?
This is difficult to answer, but there is a strong feeling that legalized online casinos will soon make an appearance in South Dakota. The state has historically been pro-gambling, and with other states leaning that direction South Dakota will need to do something to differentiate their offering.