Privacy Policy

This privacy policy discusses and elaborates upon the privacy practices of This policy is relevant to the information collected by this site as well as how that information is utilized.

Information Collection and Utilization

In this section, you will find out more about what (if any) personal information we collect from site visitors and how that information is used.

Once collected, is the sole owner of any and all information presented on this site. At no point in time will you be forced to give up any personal information whatsoever. Any information offered by a visitor to is offered at the sole discretion of that individual. This applies to any personal information given to this site via email, letter, or any other means of direct contact. Though every bit of information you give to us is voluntary, we maintain that we will not disclose, share, rent, or sell any of it to anyone at any time.

One of the only instances by which your personal information would be utilized is if was personally responding to an inquiry or message that the player brought to our attention. will share no personal information with any 3rd party casino unless the individual has directed us to do so in expressed, written form.

Unless you opt out, reserves the right to contact you regarding any changes to the site, new additions, offers, or changes to this or our other policies.

User Control Over Information

At any point in time, you, the user, maintains the sole power to cease communications with By way of an email or phone call, you can opt out of any further communications from our site to you. Your control over information includes but is not limited to:

-Inquire with regard to the personal information of yours that we have on file. It is important to keep in mind that unless you have voluntarily given us information, we will not have accessed nor retained any of your personal information.

-Inquire about altering or adding to any information that we may have about you

-Ask that we remove any personal information that we have about you

-inquire about or discuss any information that we have about you and how we are using said information

Data Security does not take the security of our and your information lightly. Any information that you have provided us via email or via another means of direct contact will be kept safe and secure both online and in the real world.

If there ever arises a time where we collect what can be deemed “sensitive” information, that info will be encrypted and utilized in ways that ensure it does not fall into anyone else’s hands. An example of sensitive information would be any personal financial information. You can verify our high levels of security and encryption through a number of different means, but mostly through the https:// that precedes our web domain.

If it ever occurs that is collecting any personal or private information, that voluntarily offered info would be encrypted in a way that makes it impossible to be successfully stolen. The only time that this data would ever be viewed is under circumstances that require a employee to complete a job task or duty. These duties and tasks include, but are not limited to, fulfilling orders, billing, and other customer services. Even the computers upon which the sensitive information is stored will be kept in a secure environment at all times.

Outbound Links

There exist many outbound links on which navigate you to a 3rd party site that is not directly controlled by this site. Any views or policies put forth by that site are strictly their own and assumes no responsibility for the data collection practices of any site other than our own.


We assume the right to collect and utilize the cookies of any visitor to our site. Cookies are pieces of data stored on a person’s computer that would allow for us to quickly and easily identify returning visitors. We reserve the right to utilize cookies in order to provide more specific content to the user whom cookies we are using.

It is highly likely that our partners and affiliates will use cookies in a similar fashion at their site. We are not to be held responsible for the use of cookies at sites that are not We have no control over any of the data that exists on other sites exactly like no other sites have access to nor control over any of the information presented or data stored on or by this site.

Changes to this Policy

At any point in time this or any other policy can be altered at our sole discretion. It is up to the user to make themselves aware of any changes as they will not always be expressly communicated when they are made.

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